Mapper & Map Chains

Using Mapper and Map Chains is a joint process of defining data transformation between another system or application.

Initially, Mapper is used to define the initial data transformation process.

Mapper: Mapping is the process of defining how data from one system or application should be transformed and mapped to another system or application. This involves specifying the relationship between fields in the source and target systems or applications.

For example, if you are integrating a Trading Partner with an accounting system, you may need to map e-Orders from your Trading Partner to the invoicing in the accounting system. The Trading Partner may use PEPPOL and the accounting system may use REST.

Information on using Mapper can be found below:


On completion of your Mapper creation. Map Chains can be used to create chains of multiple Mapper processes.

Map Chains: Map Chains are a series of mappings that are linked together to form a complex data integration process. Map Chains are used to automate the transfer of data between multiple systems and applications, and to transform and manipulate the data in a specific order. By using Map Chains, this reduces the time and effort required to perform manual data mapping and manipulation, and improves accuracy and consistency of the data integration operations.

Information on using Map Chains can be found below:

Map Chains

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